Don’t Come to My Class at InfoComm 2019

Right now, a part of each of my day has been dedicated to developing my class for InfoComm 2019.  I am giving a talk on “Using AV Technology to Trigger Customers’ Biological Responses” or as I refer to it, “Triggered!”

Any time that you are giving a presentation, it’s extremely important to consider the audience to make sure that your content is not only accurate and educational, but also relevant to the people sitting in the chairs in front of you. You should understand their points of view, their struggles, and also what they would like to get selfishly out of the presentation by spending their time with you.

As such, I’ve been thinking a lot about the types of people who would get the most out of my talk and what they most likely would want to receive by attending. There is also a follow up workshop called, “What Now?” — which means I had to go a step further to ask who would come back with a specific problem or project, and what kind of advice would they want?

With that, I would say that my talk is not for everyone, so as a public service, I wanted to tell you NOT to come to my class if…

  • You want to hear a product specific talk about part numbers and pieces slanted toward one technology or brand.
  • You think that your value is being a purveyor of proprietary black boxes people can’t buy somewhere else.
  • You think content and context are not relevant to AV system design.
  • You believe that the the industry will function in the same way tomorrow that it did yesterday.
  • You think that good technology design is completely objective and not dependent on subjective human experiences.
  • You think technical know how will always trump emotional intelligence.
  • You want to talk about speeds and feeds.
  • You like long power points that let you sit and do work on your phone while earning CTS credits and learning absolutely nothing in the process.
  • You aren’t open to interaction and new ideas.
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So, if you resemble any or all of the descriptions above, I officially dis-invite you from taking my course at InfoComm19.

For the rest of you though…

I’d be humbled if you came and sat with me for a couple hours in Orlando on Wednesday, June 12th at 9 a.m. and attended my 1 p.m. workshop as well.

You can register for my course HERE.






