Crestron Offers Hope for 2009
Crestron announced last week that they had the single largest month in company history with revenue growth up 26 percent in December 2008 from December 2007. In the same announcement, Crestron said they also had record annual sales (fiscal year July 2007 – June 2008) of just over $400 million worldwide. They went on to say that this represents the 20th consecutive year of double-digit growth.
This is good news for the HomeAV AND the ProAV markets as Crestron plays in both in a big way. As everyone is predicting a downturn in 2009, we at rAVe are also bullish on 2009 as you will see in our Annual Krystal Ball 2009 prediction article that will be published in rAVe HomeAV Edition later this month.
Crestron is on the web at