Control Concepts Joins Q-SYS Developer Partner Program

Control Concepts Joins Q-SYS Developer Partner ProgramControl Concepts has joined the Q-SYS Developer Partner Program. This program supports the rapid deployment of Q-SYS plugins and API integrations on behalf of Q-SYS Technology Partners. The collaboration among Ecosystem partners enables them to create market-ready certified or verified solutions that integrate seamlessly with Q-SYS, a cloud-manageable audio, video and control Platform.

“Control Concepts has had a long history partnering with Q-SYS to develop plugins and becoming a founding member of this program is a formal way of validating our relationship,” said Steve Greenblatt, CTS, president and founder, Control Concepts. “We’re pleased to work closely to help manufacturers make products easier to integrate with Q-SYS.”

“We are proud to have Control Concepts, Inc. join our program to help accelerate plugin and API development allowing Q-SYS to integrate with even more software platforms and device manufacturers across the AV/IT industries to deliver elevated customer experiences,” added Tammy Fuqua, developer partner manager, alliances and ecosystem, Q-SYS.
