COMM-TEC Debuts Latest Partner Catalog
COMM-TEC has released the latest version of their Partner for Professional Systems Integrators and Dealers Guide that includes all their vendors for both AV Media Technology and Facility Management Technology. Categories of products integrated into the 16-page guide include Conferencing products, Signal Management and Control, Presentation and Racks & Mounts.
All of these companies will participate in the S14 at the end of September, but, in the meantime, you can see the latest set of products launched since this summer from companies like ClearOne, Vidyo, LAB GRUPPEN, Pan Acoustics, Gefen, Barco, Da-Lite, dnp, Panasonic, Arthur Holm, Chief and over 30 other companies who are partners with COMM-TEC in distribution of the best in AV and IT technology.
The complete guide is in PDF format and you can download it here.