CEDIA 2008: Education, Education, Education
If you’re heading to next week’s CEDIA show and you haven’t signed up to take a class, you’re an idiot.
Seriously, what the heck? Why would you trek all the way there just to walk the show floor when you’ve get 20-25 and 30-year industry veterans teaching classes that cost less than a hotel night’s stay and can save you (or make you) hundreds of thousands of dollars faster than any single product on that show floor can. And, CEDIA even offers 20 or so FREE classes to all CEDIA members!
Now, I am not saying you shouldn’t walk the show floor. Of course you should, but take a moment to look at the CEDIA educational schedule and pick just once class — just one — to take each day and I promise you that you will be sending me a thank-you e-mail the week after you return.
The education offered at CEDIA has historically been the highest rated (by the attendees) of any HomeAV show in the industry — yes, including those regional shows that almost no one attends anymore.
But, if your business is running perfect, don’t bother attending a class– just walk the show.
If, however, you need management, technological, procedural, administrative, accounting, design or sales help at all, consider one of the hundreds of courses being offered at THE show.