Casio America Announces LampFree Projectors Have Obtained Sustainability Seal
The TCO Certified, generation 8 seal certifies IT products with sustainability, accountability and transparency throughout their entire life cycle. From the production of raw materials to the production conditions and the long service life to disposal, Casio projectors are sustainable. This certifies the renewed distinction with the TCO Certified seal after passing the very demanding test criteria. The internationally recognized certificate for sustainable IT is reviewed every three years. The new version, generation 8 of the seal, was published in 2019. For the first time, it considers whether companies have a management system in place for preventing and responding to corruption. Energy efficiency in the manufacturing phase is also incorporated into the certificate for the first time. Other test criteria have been reviewed in the new version of the TCO Certified seal – for example, evidence that the minerals used are from socially responsible sources.
Casio was the world’s first company to use a laser and LED hybrid light source in its projectors instead of more costly lamps containing mercury, which allows a particularly long service life of up to 20,000 hours.
An environmental management system according to the ISO 14001 standard at all Casio production sites also ensures that the manufacturing process is environmentally friendly and socially responsible. With its projectors, Casio primarily focuses on educational institutions. In addition to their long service life, the devices also have several educational solutions that are specially developed features for use in schools.
Casio’s full portfolio of LampFree Projectors are here.