Call for Proposals Open for ISC East and West
The Security Industry Association (SIA) and ISC Security Events are seeking proposals from subject matter experts for the SIA Education at ISC conference programs at ISC East 2023 and ISC West 2024. ISC East 2023 will take place Nov. 14-16 at the Javits Center in New York City, and ISC West 2024 will be held April 9-12 at the Venetian Expo in Las Vegas, NV.
“Following a year of record attendance for SIA Education at ISC West, we are excited to announce our Call for Proposals for ISC East 2023 and ISC West 2024. Our goal is to develop a robust program that brings diverse people and perspectives together to ultimately move the industry forward through innovation, collaboration and thought leadership,” said Dr. Elli Reges, director of learning and development at SIA. “The Advisory Board will place a renewed focus on artificial intelligence and automation, cybersecurity and data analytics, where there is considerable opportunity for upskilling and information sharing.”
“Education is an essential part of the ISC East and West programs each year, and in partnership with SIA, we always strive to deliver a lineup of informative, engaging sessions that offer critical information on the most innovative, relevant technologies in security and public safety,” said Mary Beth Shaughnessy, event vice president at ISC Security Events. “If you or a colleague have an idea for a session that offers best practices, lessons learned, case studies or other insights that would benefit ISC East or West attendees, we encourage you to submit your proposal today.”
ISC East is a security industry conference and exposition in the Northeast, and ISC West is a comprehensive and converged security trade event for the entire United States. Both ISC East and ISC West offer specialized education tracks for physical, IT and Internet of Things security integrators, dealers and end-user decision makers from various vertical markets. All sessions are strictly commercial-free and offer countless insights into today’s security market.
The SIA Education at ISC conference programs are seeking creative session proposals on topics like:
- Access and identity management
- Cybersecurity and IT
- Dealer, installer and integrator
- Detection and response/end user
- Physical security
- Risk management and public safety
- Drones and robotics
Proposals for ISC East 2023 and ISC West 2024 are due Friday, June 9. Speakers will be notified of their proposal statuses for ISC East by Friday, Aug. 11, and for ISC West by Friday, Oct. 6. Submit your ISC East proposal here, and submit your ISC West proposal here.