Become an ISE InfoComm Guest Member and Get Access to 30 ISE Training Sessions for Free
InfoComm International is offering all ISE 2015 attendees the chance to become a ‘Guest Member’ for the duration of the show, free of charge. Guest Membership entitles all who sign up to a range of benefits including FREE admission to all and any of 30 regular InfoComm education sessions, normally priced at €40 each. There are also discounts on special InfoComm events taking place during the show and complimentary access to the association’s Member Lounge.
After ISE 2015 has closed its doors, Guest Members will also receive free access to a special, members-only post-ISE InfoComm webinar which will focus on some of the leading business and technology trends to emerge from the event, along with free enrollment into any of four online courses or tests that are typically available only to full InfoComm members: ‘Quick Start to the AV Industry’, ‘InfoComm Recognised AV Technologist Test’, ‘Essentials of AV Technology’ and ‘CTS Prep Online’.
Pre-registered ISE attendees can sign up online in advance for their Guest Membership, then simply visit the InfoComm Lounge at Stand 11-N100 for a Guest Member badge which will grant them access to all regular education sessions and the Lounge, as well as member pricing for special events. Those interested in post-show benefits should see a regional representative at the Lounge.
Since access to InfoComm’s 30 regular education sessions is on a first-come, first-served basis, all ISE attendees are being encouraged to sign up for their InfoComm Guest Membership in advance. However, registration will also be possible on-site at Stand 11-N100.
Existing InfoComm members also receive FREE entry to the 30 InfoComm education sessions on a first-come, first-served basis, along with member pricing for the special InfoComm events. They can also make use of the InfoComm Global Meeting Space at Stand 12-N100 when accompanied by a member of InfoComm staff.
Non-InfoComm Members/Guest Members can also purchase vouchers for education sessions for €40 per session, either online during the ISE registration process or on-site at Room D204 in ISE’s Professional Development Zone.
Among InfoComm’s special events at ISE 2015 are two courses not eligible under the free education programme: the CTS Study Session and the brand new Master Class. Non-InfoComm Members/Guest Members must purchase vouchers for these during ISE registration and then register for the specific class(es) of their choice. Details of these two classes are as follows:
Master Class with Robert Simpson: Displays of Today and Tomorrow. Tuesday 10 February, 08:00 – 12:00, Room D403. Presented by industry veteran Robert Simpson of Electrosonic, this new Master Class will be divided into four sessions aimed at experienced AV professionals. The first is a refresher tutorial and will cover standards and review implications of BT2020. The second section is devoted to flat panel displays with an emphasis on LCDs and LED displays. The third section is devoted to projection looking at LCD, LCOS and DLP for products from PICO to 4K resolution. Principles and limitations of image blending and warping will be explored. The final section will cover applications and specialist areas of displays. Attendees can sign up for the Master Class during registration at a cost of €150 (for existing InfoComm members and Guest Members) or €200 (non-members).
CTS Study Session: Monday 9 February 2015, 10:00 – 17:30, Room D203. As in previous years, a Certified Technology Specialist™ (CTS) class will be held at ISE 2015. CTS is recognized worldwide as the industry’s leading AV professional qualification. Prior to attending the CTS Study Session, which will be presented by Bill Thomas, registrants will receive access to the InfoComm ‘CTS Prep Online’ course which includes online activities, videos, and information and study tips for the CTS exam. Onsite CTS testing will take place throughout the show. Registration at the CTS Study Session costs €99 (for existing InfoComm members and Guest Members) or €150 (non-members).