Barco Showcases New SecureStream Streaming Solution at ISE 2020

barco securestream
Barco has just released SecureStream, a streaming solution designed to allow users to share content outside of a control room. Using a new user interface, control room operators can drag and drop video or data sources into a SecureStream channel, allowing the content to be shared with field staff or remote experts.

Barco says SecureStream is easy to use from either a web browser or from the control room software. Using the overview of available sources, control room operators can simply drag and drop content into a SecureStream channel and then provide the relevant link to selected receivers. The content can be video, data or even a CMS perspective (a group of content that logically belongs together). The receiver uses a web browser on laptop or mobile phone to view this content.

Also Barco claims that SecureStream was designed with the highest level of security. The system uses both on-premise and cloud technology to stream the content to the receivers. This hybrid on-premise and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) configuration helps to lower the risk of intrusion on the enterprise network, maximizing security. Because this is a one-way system (only streaming from inside the organization to outside). All services are thus delivered over encrypted outbound-only connections, fully based on proven industry standards. Furthermore, all remote access is managed at an off-site secure entry point.

SecureStream will be showcased for the first time at ISE 2020 in Hall 12, at Booth F120. And, it’s here.
