As an audiovisual systems integrator, have you ever wished you could grow your internal CAD resources, but only when business heats up in the summer? Or maybe you’d love to outsource on a regular basis but are afraid of getting sub-par work. Heck, maybe you just wished your drawings looked more professional! Let me introduce […]
More and more organizations are clamoring for ways to wirelessly share their Android tablet or iPad content up on the big screen (in their conference rooms, classrooms, etc.), but the available solutions are still few and far between. So I jumped when I got a chance to demo a promising solution from a little-known company […]
In my last post, I introduced you to Simon Sinek and his concept of the Golden Circle, which illustrates how inspirational companies set themselves apart. If you haven’t read it I encourage you read Part 1 first by clicking here. Manipulation is the way most companies try to convince people to buy their products. It […]
What do the images below have in common? They are all people or companies that think, act and communicate in exactly the same way, and it’s the complete opposite of everyone else. The one you may not recognize is Simon Sinek. I’ll tell you more about him, but first a story. A couple weeks ago […]