I write about all things Digital Signage. I believe if you can't laugh at complicated things, you'll probably croak.
Gallup Strengths Finder: Strategic, Learner, Intellection, Futuristic
Started RealEyes Displays at age 23 with start up funding from my family. As an entrepreneurship enthusiast, my vision was to create a business that serves as role model for principle based leadership, solid work ethic, unparalleled idea generation, with a relationship-driven customer base. I get along with Audio Visual Lighting companies who need a partner for all the soft parts of digital signage and touch screen design.
Digital Signage and the Future… It’s the turn of the year and once again I feel old. But at least I don’t age like digital signage technology. If the dog/human age ratio is around 7:1, then digital signage must be around 47:1. Amiright? During my recent reflection while setting travel plans for DSE 2016, I […]
It can be an art form to sell digital signage, because it involves discussions with often non-tech savvy people… and educating them about some very technical products. So above all, solutions need to be boiled down to make sense for each client. (*Cough*… Duh.) You sell digital signage. Great. BUT RIGHT NOW — stop thinking […]
Digital signage is on my brain day and night — yes, even in my sleep. Have you ever had one of those dreams that made such little sense it seemed like a Quentin Tarantino movie playing backwards and in French? One moment you’re on a beach wearing a green cucumber costume, and the next moment […]
THAT’S RIGHT, I SAID IT. Digital Signage sucks in a lot of ways. (Yup, it’s Digital Signage Expo week, and out of ALL the topics I have on my list, this is what I chose to debut my new blog column with.) But I think I’m qualified to make that statement. I’ve been designing nothing […]