Audio-Technica Offers Rebates on Artist Series Microphones

phpkQGRs7AMSTOW, OH, September 1, 2016 — Audio-Technica, a leading innovator in transducer technology for over 50 years, announces rebates on its popular Artist Series microphones, running from September 1 through December 31, 2016. A-T’s Artist Series microphones are widely used and favored by live sound professionals, sound reinforcement companies, venues, houses of worship, and more, as well as studio pros and recordists. The rebates range from $15 to $30.

Eligible models and rebate values:

  • ATM230PK Hypercardioid Dynamic Instrument Microphone $349.00         $30 rebate
  • ATM450 Cardioid Condenser Instrument Microphone $249.00                   $30 rebate
  • ATM710 Cardioid Condenser Handheld Microphone $199.00                     $20 rebate
  • ATM250 Hypercardioid Dynamic Instrument Microphone $179.00              $20 rebate
  • ATM610a Hypercardioid Dynamic Handheld Microphone $149.00             $20 rebate
  • ATM230 Hypercardioid Dynamic Instrument Microphone $139.00              $15 rebate
  • ATM510 Cardioid Dynamic Handheld Microphone $99.00                            $15 rebate
  • ATM650 Hypercardioid Dynamic Instrument Microphone $99.00                $15 rebate
  • ATM410 Cardioid Dynamic Handheld Microphone $79.00                            $15 rebate

All rebate submissions must be postmarked by January 31, 2017. For more information and full instructions, please visit
