ATS-Pro Announces VE Pro Series, a Versatile Touring Panel with Elevated Graphics Performance

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InfoComm 2024, Las Vegas, June 12-14 (Booth W3801) – ATS-Pro, a master LED design firm, and the exclusive U.S. distributor for Taylorleds LED systems, is pleased to announce the all-new Vapor Edge (VE) Pro Series, a groundbreaking touring LED system designed to dramatically enhance the visual spectacle for both indoor and outdoor live events.

The VE Pro Series delivers unparalleled out-of-the-box visual performance thanks to the inclusion of the Novastar A10s Pro Card – the most powerful graphics engine available today. Upgraded driving ICs and the MX COEX Series VMP platform with MacOS and Windows compatibility allow the VE Pro Series to take full advantage of the A10’s advanced capabilities. Right out of the box, VE Pro Users will enjoy higher frame sync options, allowing touring panels to easily frame sync with camera capture for clean and crisp live broadcasts. Additional functionality includes state-of-the-art color, operational control, and advanced camera correction features.

Rugged, versatile, and easy to assemble, VE Pro Series panels are available in two sizes, 500mm x 500mm or 500mm x 1000mm, with options for outdoor use rated IP65/54. Crews will appreciate VE Pro’s anti-collision protection, curve lock systems for flexible screen designs, and superior panel rigging for quick and easy deployment. Colorful road cases are easy to spot and retrieve from a sea of black boxes.

“We are very proud to have collaborated with Taylorleds on the VE Pro Series, which benefits from our 18 -years of experience in AV design to deliver a truly turnkey high-performance solution,” said Chris Pelzer, CEO at ATS-Pro. “We’re incredibly excited to see what our growing family of talented production teams will create with VE Pro, and we stand ready to assist and support their grandest visions.”

The VE Pro Series will be on display at the InfoComm 2024 show in the Taylorleds booth W3801.
