Art Dealers Do CRM And So Should You

Everyone likes wine and cheese, right?
One of the regular conversations I have with my clients involves leveraging Customer Relationship Management – CRM – tools to retain and engage their existing customer base in order to keep them coming back to spend money.
How exactly that should be done is a lengthy conversation. The fact that it should be done is a much shorter topic.
Let me sum it up: You need to do it.
Instead of droning on about it, I’m going to tell a story that makes my point for me.
Out of the blue the other day I received a text from the owner of a local art gallery.
Good morning Lee , how is it going? Please let me know if you are attending the Gabe Leonard show next Saturday, he will pick a customer’s name from the hat and paints and original of that person at the show and will present it to the client, it’s a big party . Only with RSVP . If is yes text me back please .
I purchased a limited edition Gabe Leonard print late last year. I don’t know art, but I know what I like.
So here is the gallery owner, eight months later, following up with his customers to let them know there’s a special event coming up that they might be interested in.
It’s not lost on me that this is what I tell my clients they should be doing with their customers.
Let me put this another way: if art dealers are using CRM to stay in contact with their customers, there’s no reason why any of you tech sector wizards shouldn’t be doing that too.

The rest of my office may be a disaster but at least the walls look great.