Arista Corporation and Fallout Zones Partner to Address Challenges of Projection Mapping
Arista Corporation and Fallout Zones have jointly announced the formation of a strategic partnership to address the challenges of projection mapping technology. By combining Arista’s Video Projection Mapping Turnkey System — which incorporates a 4U rack mount computer powered by an Intel Xeon 10-core processor combined with its ARD-5816 HDBaseT transmitter — Arista brings an all-in-one technological solution to the video projection mapping environment. Fallout Zones is a full-service projection mapping creative services agency.
Here’s a video of some of one the projects they worked on together:
As you likely know, video projection mapping is a technology used to turn objects, often irregularly shaped, into a display surface for video projection. These objects may be complex industrial landscapes, such as buildings, small indoor objects or theatrical stages.