Latest headlines: Bob Snyder writes an update about Glue Collaboration, Gary Kayye writes about touring Millennium in Switzerland and more.
May 16, 2024 | Volume: 20 | Issue 9
rAVe EMEA Edition
Bob Snyder writes about a company called Glue Collaboration, that you might remember from a few years ago. Well, Glue Collaboration’s parent company just filed for bankruptcy. Read this column to learn about why that might have happened.
Also, Gary Kayye toured Millennium in Switzerland, and wrote this column about what he experienced. SpinetiX manages the content for this entire multi-faceted building, so you’ll enjoy reading this to learn about how that was done!
Remember Glue Collaboration? The cool head-and-torso avatars that made the metaverse seem like it was filled with legless players off a tabletop “foosball” field1?The parent company of Glue has now filed for bank[…]
Last month, I flew to Lausanne, Switzerland, to spend two days understanding how a digital signage company, SpinetiX, is totally managing the content for every […]
Sony Professional Displays & Solutions has partnered with integrated gesture control company AMERIA AGto create a non-touch solution designed to work with any […]
Barco announced a major step in ClickShare’s path towards a full carbon-neutral offering for meeting collaboration. The ClickShare Bar has been granted the […]
Nureva announced it has appointed Videnda as its distributor in Ireland. As a provider of multivendor audiovisual and collaboration solutions, Videnda is set to […]
CEDIA has opened submissions globally for the 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award. Honored annually at the three worldwide CEDIA Smart Home Awards, the Lifetime […]
Planar announced that two Planar large format LCD display families achieved a first-of-its-kind cybersecurity certification from the European Telecommunications […]
DPA Microphones A/S announced the hiring of Jens Jermiin as the brand’s new Vice President of Marketing. A leader in the marketing world, with previous roles at […]
Jetbuilt just became the first fully encompassing AV-centric platform to offer a comprehensive commercial workflow for designing, presenting, building and […]
Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group announced it has named Epson its Official Projector Partner. Exploring new ways to expand storytelling beyond show […]
AVIXA announced the launch of the professional audiovisual trade show InfoComm América Latina. The first edition will be held in Mexico City from Oct. 22-24, 2025 […]
InfoComm 2024, June 8-14 (exhibits 12-14) at the Las Vegas Convention Center, will present a comprehensive business and project management education program […]
Jetbuilt announced a milestone as it celebrates its 10th birthday. Since its inception in 2014, Jetbuilt has consistently set new industry standards with its fast, intuitive […]
In Museum Square in Amsterdam, the Rijksmuseum (Holland’s History Museum) is evidence of the rich cultural heritage of the Netherlands. As the national […]