The last few weeks, I have been heads-down on a project related to direct-view LED. This isn’t my first foray into dvLED concepts, but I just wanted to share a few things I’ve come to realize as of late. (For context: I have worked in the AV industry, in some capacity, for nine years. I have been ingrained in it full-time for roughly two of those.)
What I knew, but have happily been reminded of since starting this project, is this: It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking you’re an expert on something. You think you already know the majority of what there is to know, then BAM — you receive a brand-new set of insights that turns your thinking totally upside down. Or something in the market changes and shifts your entire POV.
These opportunities to reframe our thinking should always be welcome. New insights keep AV and digital signage interesting!
Having an open mind to new learning experiences will always work out in your favor. Personal opinion: I don’t think anyone should ever call it a day (unless you’re retiring — which, YES, call it a day) and consider themselves a 100% expert in any segment of AV, digital signage included. There’s always something else to learn or see. There’s always the possibility that a new innovation shakes up the entire market.
With that, learn on, my friends. This week’s columns, product news and industry news (all below) are a great start. Registering for LAVNCH WEEK 4.0 is also an excellent idea. It could just influence your next light-bulb moment.