Hi and hello — Leah here, one of the rAVe BlogSquad writers, usually showing up in your [PUBS] newsfeed with coverage from live industry events like InfoComm. One of the latest conferences, one we were proud to support as creators of the #LAVNCH platform that hosted it, was D=SIGN. And it was all about digital signage! The first column down below gives you our wrap-up from Day 1. Later in the newsletter, you’ll find the wrap-up from Day 2. Then, somewhere in between, Gary Kayye’s story gives us some data points for how that platform delivered on the interactivity it promised show attendees. If you attended D=SIGN, let us know what you liked and didn’t like. If you didn’t attend D=SIGN, you can still register to view the archives through the end of January. Go, go, go!
Also very interesting this week: six digital-out-of-home (DOOH) technology platforms (you’ll recognize the names in the story) announced they are coming together to bring standardization to DOOH data and to help drive programmatic DOOH forward. Those are big goals — what do you think about the consortium?
Finally, we bring you more columns and industry updates, as always, with news from Listen, Sharp, Epson and more. And don’t miss Murphy Daley’s story on what successful international AV installations look like. Daley is a new rAVe BlogSquad writer, coming to us with a project management background; expect to see her poignant and useful stories more in the coming newsletters. I, for one, am already a fan.