My co-worker Leah wrote an intro yesterday for the rAVe Home newsletter, and she talked about what she was doing this time last year.
Today, I will do the same. A little over a year ago, I had just started at rAVe. I wrote my very first newsletter intro — and it was for the DS newsletter! I had just gotten back from a work trip to San Francisco. (Remember trips? I miss trips.) I was utterly overwhelmed by all there was in this industry that I didn’t know about yet. Don’t get me wrong; there is still a ton in this industry that I don’t know about yet. However, in many ways, the people of this industry have let me in and helped me get rid of the pesky imposter syndrome.
So, thanks, guys.
This anecdote was to encourage you, reader, to think about where you were a year ago and where you thought you’d be now. It looks a lot different than you thought, probably. Thanks, COVID! But all jokes aside, don’t undercut yourself or your work — or get tripped up about how you aren’t where you thought you’d be.
You’re doing amazing, sweetie.
Anyway, enjoy this newsletter. There are two columns — one from Bob Snyder on Samsung Displays’ shiny new thing, and one from Leah McCann on Almo E4v’s digital signage portion.