Did Anyone Notice that Ultraviolet Is Closing?

Just a reminder that there’s only one Ultraviolet that matters.
Imagine my surprise when I received an email out the blue telling me that Ultraviolet, the movie library service will be ending its operations at the end of July 2019.

Honestly, I’d mostly forgotten about Ultraviolet.
So, curious after reading the email, I went to the website to learn more.
Of course, first I had to ask to reset my password since I’ve forgotten it because I never use it.
Anyway, I have a whopping six movies on my Ultraviolet account.
As if that weren’t minor enough, according to the FAQ about the shutdown, since I’d already ported my library to Flixter (which I somehow also never use) my massive Ultraviolet library is safe.
Using myself as a proxy for other tech savvy movie lovers, perhaps the consensus is: who cares?
I guess this is the answer to a question I posed years before: just how many online movie library services do we need?
The answer: not many.
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I hardly buy any movies anymore. And when I do I either buy them from iTunes on my Apple TV, OR on the rare occasions when I buy Blu-ray discs I look to see that they have an iTunes digital copy included, which they almost always do.
Frankly, since most of what I or my family wants to watch is on one of the streaming services that I subscribe to, that’s put a real dent in my movie purchasing.