Another 3D Post?
Yes, as expected, I went to the opening day of STAR WARS Episode 1 in 3D on Friday – and, I am one of the few that gets the humor in Jar Jar Binks.
Upon returning to my office after watching it, I happen to come across this ad (posted to the right) for JOURNEY 2: The Mysterious Island – I’m sure it’s all you’d expect of it.
It’s not often you actually see a picture of exactly what you’re gonna get. You know how you go into a restaurant and they hand you the menu and it includes images of each dish – and you order it based on how it looks? And then, of course, it shows up and looks nothing like what the picture in the menu looks like. That’s a type of false advertising – but most of the time we chalk it up to the awesomeness of the photographer. Or, the fact that that image is, literally, the best it’s ever going to look. Nothing you can do about that.
But, in this ad for JOURNEY 2, I am impressed. No false advertising, no deceptive practices. Just real, honest, imaging.
Go see this movie and you’ll see exactly what’s in this ad for it – a 3D movie that’s full of blurry crap.
3D sucks!