AMX and Microsoft Announce Partnership to Integrate Surface Hub with AMX Meeting Room Control Ecosystem
At InfoComm, Microsoft and AMX announced that they have entered into a partnership to integrate Microsoft’s Surface Hub collaboration system with AMX control.
Microsoft Surface Hub is a collaboration system that features a Windows 10-based 55″ HD or 84″ 4K display serving as a focal point for typical activities that take place during a collaboration session. Surface Hub leverages its large display to deliver applications for white boarding, content sharing and presenting, as well as running conferencing applications like Skype or Lync to easily incorporate remote participants into the meeting. Surface Hub also includes multi-touch and multi-pen capabilities that recognize up to 100 touch points with precision, allowing natural human interaction with the display for white boarding, free-flow ink drawing and execution of apps.
AMX solutions include user interfaces for managing the room technology, switching and control systems for distributing audio and video content during meetings, digital signage systems for distributing information throughout an enterprise; and software solutions that simplify the configuration, monitoring and maintenance of AV systems.
AMX is incorporating Surface Hub into its Rapid Project Maker (RPM) software. Using RPM, customers can easily set up these new rooms to be monitored and maintained in real time over the IT network with AMX’s Resource Management Suite (RMS) software.
Before people start to use the rooms for meetings, they will need a system for locating and booking available conference rooms. By integrating Surface hub with RMS, organizations can augment Surface Hub’s native calendaring and scheduling functions by placing scheduling panels directly outside the room, thereby allowing employees to instantly locate and reserve an available meeting space. RMS will also enable IT organizations to remotely monitor equipment usage, troubleshoot performance issues and remotely power down equipment in order to save energy.
More details about the partnership are here.