AmberAlert and Digital Advertising Tech Launch DS App

During DSE 2010, AMBER Alert and Digital Advertising AmberAlert-Logo-0210Technologies debuted the Digital Eyes & Ears Project (DEEP) to help increase the visibility of AMBER Alerts across the country by utilizing screens traditionally used for advertising.  The two companies say that the DEEP partnership is a proactive approach to ensuring the largest audience possible is alerted and acting as the eyes and ears of law enforcement during an AMBER Alert.

Through Entourage, Digital Advertising Technologies’ new suite of cross-platform solutions, DEEP will allow AMBER Alerts to scroll across screens in sports arenas, airports, shopping malls and at gas stations, as well as be seen on billboards, highway traffic signs and more. Participating networks, known as DEEP Alerting Partners, will help to promote the initiative by displaying a series of public service announcements to help increase the number of individuals registered to receive AMBER Alerts directly.

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