A Pre-Show Message From the InfoComm CTS Certification Chair
By Rich Kowalske, CTS-D, CTS-I
Certification Steering Committee Chair
Here we are once again preparing for the largest event of the year — the InfoComm show! We are all starting to make our travel plans and decide what classes to take, which booths to take tours of…and of course, which parties we will attend! Are you thinking about trying for your CTS or maybe the CTS-D or CTS-I? Are you ready to join the family of AV professionals who are already certified? There are many opportunities available to you throughout the week of the show.
If you are almost there but not quite ready to test, why not take a prep course before the exam? There are many great opportunities available to you during the show. InfoComm University has several courses aimed at helping you to prepare for any of the CTS exams. In addition to the courses, there will be a wealth of knowledge from all of the attendees, presenters, manufacturers, vendors, etc. Why not reach out to some of your AV family for tips and advice?
The members of the certification steering committee will be roaming around the show. Try to find some of us if you have any questions. We would be happy to help and we would love to meet you. After all, we are elected by you! If you are wondering where to find us, I have a pretty good idea that we will be hanging around the ever-growing #CTSWall! If you are already certified, your name will be printed for all to see. If you pass an exam while at the show, add your name to the wall and post a few photos on social media to show your achievement. We will also be taking plenty of #AVSelfies and having an all-around awesome time celebrating certification and the CTS community!
I look forward to meeting everyone at the show! Come by and find me, you never know what I may have in store! (hint hint).