Infocomm Live 2014 – 3pm
Well, the first speaker session has finished, and we are taking a half hour coffeebreak! Really, I have to compliment Infocomm on understanding this group. Long breaks allow for all of us to return calls and email, something it is hard to get this group away from. It also allows us to talk to each other, and with a group this busy that is a rare and welcome opportunity. Yet another sign that they understand us is that they had us enter the venue through the garage this morning. The only more appropriate thing would have been to have us enter through the loading dock and help with the setup (although that HAS been a few years for a lot of us). Anyway, the first speaker, Rob “Waldo” Waldman, really was quite good. For more info, you can check his webpage at
I am off to get coffee and chat with some people about doing a podcast…