Idle Musings


Here are some things that have crossed my mind in the last couple of days.

●It wouldn’t surprise me in the least to learn that Apple selected Apple TV’s plastic cabinet to be resistant to the silicone gel used to attach IR emitters.

●Hey, PR guy whom I’ve never met, never spoken with, and who got my email address from who-knows-where, sending me the same press release on a subject I’m not even interested in three times in one day isn’t going to make me any more likely to read it.

●Way back in the 90s I had a client who was a skydiving videographer. He hand-built some marvellously McGuyver-esque hardware to mount a Hi8 camcorder to his helmet and control it remotely.

He was a good customer for editing hardware, crates of videotape and of course his annual camera upgrade. Virtually none of which even exist today, thanks to the evolution of technology.

Which reminds me, this video shot with a GoPro camera ought to blow your mind/give you vertigo.

Be sure to watch it in full-screen.
