AV Power Up! – Episode 28: Contribute. Support. Lead. It’s The Only Way

AVPowerUp_750x400When we talk about leadership, those many consider to be the leaders are the ones who contribute closely alongside others and choose to lead by example. Many prefer to support those who contribute and work hard to evoke change in positive ways. Challenges tend to present themselves as a given, however the way that we work together to meet these challenges head on and ultimately succeed is what we set out to accomplish on every level. For an industry looking to move and grow forward, it must be done through contribution, support and leadership. It is the only way – and a little humor gets us through as well.

In Caddyshack, Chevy Chase said “Be the Ball.” Here on AV Power Up we say “Be the Industry.”

Join Host AV Christa Bender and the Crew Corey CB Moss, Hope BeerAndPie (aka The Programmer) Roth, Vaddio Stacy Kringlen, Johnny Stuff n’ Things Mota and Hot Jobs Rich Prevete as they welcome their guests:

Cory Schaeffer with QSC Systems

Jonathan Brawn with Brawn Consulting

Cory shares the big news with us about her recent move over to QSC and her return to the audio space – and much more. Corey also talks about Starbucks and how they continue to give him Cory’s coffee. Figure that one out. 

With Jonathan we talk about his consulting company, the industry, his father Alan (who won a very special award at InfoComm) and beers. Everyone on the show now wants to work for Brawn Consulting (one also wants to be their official beer taster) and Jonathan isn’t sure how he’s going to break the news to his father, however whoever doesn’t get hired on with Brawn will be going to work with QSC. Alert Human Resources. We also came up with a brand new Audio Visual industry Board – we will start taking applications online soon and we hope it doesn’t break the network (Rich did remove the www’s).

Hope delivers The Power Up on this one and it is a MUST hear, Corey Brings the Bacon with his latest blog on Leadership, Johnny Stuffs a fax with spam (and translates sarcasm), and Rich talks about his Quest for CTS certification. Rich also reads a Hot Job after he finally returned from the Cloud (Corey subbed while he was lost on the interwebs). And it’s the return of future WIN member Natalie!

So listen in and enjoy this one everyone. And if you want real power…


Power Up!

Run time: 1 hour.
